Top Internet and Mobile Technology Trends from 2012

As we come to the end of 2012 , it’s high time we analyze how much technology – both web and mobile technology has evolved in the past one year.

1. Predictive analytics – Google Knowledge Graph and Google Now 

This year we saw the debut of Google Glass , the next big step in digital consumer technology in the post smart phone era.Much has been written about the potential to do a lot of wonderful things. And the wealth of information  that can make this glass really awesome rests with predictive analytics technologies Google Now and Google Knowledge Graph.

predictive analytics


While Google Knowledge Graph tries to establish relationships with every single object or person or place in this universe so that any search query can be provided with the most accurate response , Google Now does the work of predictive analytics that can provide with information that are relevant without the need for even a prompt.

These too are a killer combination : having the most accurate information on one hand and getting to understand the context and provide the information based on relevance will be the best digital assistant any user can dream of.The success of Google glass from the data and accuracy stand point will solely rely on Google Now and Knowledge Graph.

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The iPhone5 Disappointment Hypothesis

The Apple Keynote yesterday was like watching a movie knowing the story and screenplay, for there was little surprise to enjoy when every bit of information was already leaked in some form or the other.As soon the new iPhone was introduced ,some section of the  people primarily tech enthusiasts, journalists, bloggers were  disappointed with the new iPhone 5 . I was a little underwhelmed and hence pondered to understand the reason behind.

But as I started thinking , I could not come to terms with what would have amused me – I was not sure what I wanted in a new iPhone that would make me say WOW. You have to remember history repeats itself but not every year. Google has been there for quite some time. They amazed us with their search, maps and after that a period of lull. Again they surprised everybody with Google Glass and Google Car after quite a few years .I’m not mentioning Android for obvious reasons. It was not path breaking. It carried the torch that Apple started . Now I’m not sure how soon I would be  wowed by Google.

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